C-WIN: Trump’s Executive Order on Delta Smelt Ignores the Law, Science and Water Equity


Losers: Ratepayers, Delta Farmers and the Environment. Winners: A Handful of Corporate Growers

President Donald Trump characterized his recent executive order to override U.S. Endangered Species Act protections and “route more water” from the embattled Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to Southern California as a matter of prioritizing people over a tiny and worthless fish – the endangered Delta Smelt.

But nothing could be farther from the truth. If implemented, Trump’s order will punish a broad array of stakeholders and devastate the largest and richest estuary in the western continental United States – all for the benefit of a few powerful agribusiness enterprises in the Central Valley.

“California’s water system is already biased towards wealthy corporate agriculture,” said Max Gomberg, a water policy expert and board member of the California Water Impact Network. “If enacted, these policies would destroy the lives and livelihoods of Delta farmers, Delta communities, commercial fishing, and tribes. They would also raise water costs for Southern California communities already devasted by wildfire.”

Gomberg said there is enough water in California for all reasonable needs, and that ratepayers and taxpayers must hold legislators, policy makers and regulators to account. That includes rejection of the Delta Tunnel, the ruinously expensive water conveyance system pushed by Governor Gavin Newsom that would sacrifice the Delta, its farming community, ratepayer interests and North State fisheries to deliver more water to San Joaquin Valley growers.

“It’s ironic that Governor Newsom and President Trump are mortal political enemies, but they see eye-to-eye on California’s unjust water policies,” said Carolee Krieger, C-WIN’s executive director. “The old saw that ‘water flows to money and power’ remains as true today as ever. C-WIN is working toward a better vision for California water, one that provides enough water for our environment, sustainable farming, and efficient urban use. We call on Californians and our state leaders to reject the hate and destruction and work with us to realize a healthy water future.”


Max Gomberg
(415) 310-7013

Carolee Krieger
C-WIN Executive Director
‭(805) 451-9565‬