C-WIN: The MET Water District of SoCal Explained


Inside the Country’s Largest Distributor of Treated Water

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MET) is a sprawling regional agency that provides water to 14 cities, 11 municipal water agencies and one county. Almost 20 million ratepayers are within its service zone, which covers more than 5,000 square miles in Los Angeles County, San Diego County, Orange County, San Bernadino County, Riverside County and Ventura County.

Given its reach, MET wields enormous economic and political power. Yet its organization, internal procedures, and goals are opaque and vaguely understood by the citizens who rely on it. 

To clarify MET’s work and priorities, the California Water Impact Network has released a report on the district covering its history, operations, and the challenges it faces due to accelerating climate change and fiscal stress.

Foremost among these challenges is the district’s approach to future water sources: whether it will support the spectacularly expensive and environmentally unsustainable Delta Tunnel and other massive infrastructure projects promoted by Central Valley agribusiness and Governor Gavin Newsom, or the more resilient and cost-effective strategy of enhanced conservation, recycling, stormwater capture, groundwater recharge and the development of regional surface storage favored by several neighboring water authorities and agencies.

For the report, go to:

The MET Water District Explained 


Max Gomberg
(415) 310-7013

Christina Speed
C-WIN Communications Director