CV Business Times: UC Davis notes the obvious: Water can’t be stored if it’s not there in the first place Paper WaterC-WINNovember 24, 2014Comment
Fresno Bee: Feinstein shuts off California water talks until 2015 Central Valley ProjectC-WINNovember 24, 2014Comment
Environmental Water Caucus Weighs in on Drought Legislation- Contact Senator Boxer! GeneralC-WINNovember 20, 2014Comment
Carolee Krieger OpEd in Santa Barbara News-Press:Letters : Opinion: Supervisors, say 'no' to State Water contract extensions C-WIN, Carolee KriegerC-WINNovember 17, 2014Comment
Restore the Delta Urgent Action Alert: Immediate attention required: a federal "drought relief" bill in the Senate will harm the Delta and economy significantly! General, Restore the DeltaC-WINNovember 17, 2014Comment
RTD Media Release: Gov. Brown Should Abandon Doomed BDCP Delta Tunnels Twin TunnelsC-WINNovember 14, 2014Comment
Become a Member Sustain C-WIN Contact facebook_icon.gif Search this site: Search C-WIN Campaigns Policies and Policy Briefs Twin Tunnels Santa Barbara Campaign Against Twin Tunnels C-WIN Archives C-WIN Archives will be coming soon! Take Action Contact your: Congressional Representative US Senators local water agency state legislators Mother Jones- "California Goes Nuts" (with quotes from C-WIN's Carolee Krieger) Carolee Krieger, State Water ProjectC-WINNovember 10, 2014Comment
C-WIN's Carolee Krieger in on KCET SoCal: The Nutty Truth About Almonds Carolee Krieger, VideoC-WINNovember 6, 2014Comment
Glen Martin in California Lawyer: Whose Groundwater Is It? C-WIN, GroundwaterC-WINNovember 4, 2014Comment
Environmental Group Uncovers “Secret” Deal that Forgives $400 Million in Central Valley Project Debt Central Valley Project, Poisoned LandsC-WINOctober 21, 2014Comment
LA Times: Amid California's drought, a bruising battle for cheap water State Water ProjectC-WINOctober 21, 2014Comment
C-WIN's Tom Stokely Interviewed on KMUD Radio (HumCo) about Prop 1 GeneralC-WINOctober 20, 2014Comment
Department of Water Resources Must Reopen Environmental Review on the Kern Water Bank State Water ProjectC-WINOctober 18, 2014Comment
Media Release: Obama Selling Out California to Westlands Water District- Secret Deal Forgives Government Debt AquAlliance, C-WIN, California Sportfishin..., Central Valley Project, Poisoned LandsC-WINOctober 16, 2014Comment
C-WIN/CBD Media Release: Brown Administration Gets Ugly Over State Water Project Contract Extension Center for Biological ..., State Water ProjectC-WINOctober 13, 2014Comment