Republican McNerney Blasts “Water Fix” Tunnels Plan, Foes Claim it will devastate the Delta Region, A Waste of Money Twin TunnelsC-WINOctober 6, 2015Comment
MOJAVE DESERT: Dispute May Derail Cadiz Plan to Tap Ancient Aquifers MiscellaneousC-WINOctober 6, 2015Comment
Westlands Water District’s Drainage Clean Up Time May Have Come Agriculture, Central Valley Project, Poisoned Lands, Westland Water DistrictC-WINSeptember 27, 2015Comment
Analysis Westlands Water District agreement a retreat from previous U.S. plan Central Valley Project, Poisoned Lands, Westland Water DistrictC-WINSeptember 21, 2015Comment
Duped Into a Bad Water Deal: Taxpayers for Common Sense On Westlands Deal Central Valley Project, Fiscal Impact, Poisoned LandsC-WINSeptember 17, 2015Comment
Stokely Offers BOS Some Advice on Safeguarding River Rights Trinity / KlamathC-WINSeptember 15, 2015Comment
Federal government settles long dispute over Central Valley water Central Valley Project, Poisoned Lands, Public PolicyC-WINSeptember 15, 2015Comment
C-WIN Media Release: SWEETHEART SETTLEMENT FOR WESTLANDS WATER DISTRICT EXPECTED TUESDAY Central Valley Project, Poisoned Lands, Restore the DeltaC-WINSeptember 13, 2015Comment
Judge hands Defendants Setback in Steinbeck Quiet Title Suit Groundwater, Paso Robles, Trinity / KlamathC-WINSeptember 3, 2015Comment
Group Threatens to Sue SLO County if New Wells Are Approved Without Revie Groundwater, Paso RoblesC-WINAugust 26, 2015Comment
Media Release C-WIN Notifies San Luis Obispo County Notified of Intended Lawsuit to Apply CEQA to New Wells Groundwater, Paso RoblesC-WINAugust 25, 2015Comment